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Getting Through the Day: Tips on How to Cope with Your Divorce While at Work

Getting Through the Day: Tips on How to Cope with Your Divorce While at Work

Going through a divorce is an emotionally draining experience that can take you on a roller coaster of feelings. You might feel angry, depressed, lonely, or even relieved that your marriage has come to an end. Of course, just because you are going through a difficult time does not mean the world will stop spinning. You still have to go to work and you are expected to be productive.

Here are some tips to help you get through the workday while you are coping with your divorce:

  • Talk to your boss: It might seem like too personal a topic to address with your boss, but the manner in which you approach it will make all the difference. Avoid talking about why the divorce is happening and focus more on the impact it will likely have on your schedule and work duties. For example, if you know of any upcoming court dates or mediation sessions, let your boss know since you might have to miss work that day, leave early, or arrive late. If you think you are going to need a little extra understanding during this difficult time, mention it without getting into the reasons for your divorce or any of your spouse’s wrongdoings.
  • Reach out to human resources as soon as you can: Divorce is more than just an emotional experience. It involves a lot of planning, paperwork, and can be quite complicated, so make sure you contact human resources sooner rather than later. You will need to update a lot of your paperwork, including your tax information and beneficiaries. Your human resources department will help ensure nothing is forgotten and everything is appropriately updated at work.
  • Do not make any impulsive decisions: Divorce is a major life change in itself, so this is not the time to make big moves at work. If you are considering quitting your job and looking for something different, hold off on these decisions, especially if you are making them for the wrong reasons. For example, if you are simply trying to reduce your income with the hope that you will have smaller spousal support payments, it will almost certainly backfire on you during divorce proceedings. Do not turn your world upside down just so you can manipulate the outcome of your divorce.
  • Take care of yourself: One of the best ways to get through the day at work is to always take care of yourself. Maintain a healthy diet, commit to a regular exercise routine, take breaks at work, get fresh air, and consider hiring a therapist or finding another healthy outlet where you can discuss your feelings. While you are at work, you should also avoid taking calls from your attorney or replying to messages from friends or family about your divorce. They mean well, but thinking about your divorce while you are at work is only going to derail your day and make it difficult to focus on the task at hand.

Contact a Skilled Attorney Today!

If you are going through a divorce, you need to obtain skilled legal guidance. At Friedman & Friedman PLLC, Attorneys at Law, our team is committed to providing exceptional legal representation.

Contact us today at (914) 873-4410 to schedule a confidential case review.
